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Michael Lerner: Whispers of a Wounded Healer
Meet Michael Lerner, one of the founding members of Commonweal -- an organization founded on the principle of engendering hope through service. "We can't know what the future will actually be," he shares. "but living in service and doing what we can engenders a form of hope, a form of resilience that is part of creating a global consciousness that can move us through these very difficult times." R... posted on Jun 01 2015, 32,195 reads


Pilot Inspires Compton Kids To Fly
Robyn Petgrave is teaching kids to reach for the sky -- literally. Troubled by the large percentage of Compton children falling victim to gang violence and drugs, Robyn created Tomorrow's Aeronautical Museum. The aeronautical program, designed for youth to learn flying, inspires its participants, and teaches responsibility. To participate, kids must maintain a good grade point average, stay out of... posted on May 31 2015, 1,716 reads


Lily Yeh & Barefoot Artists
Lily Yeh launched Barefoot Artists "to spark transformation, healing and social change in places plagued by poverty, crime and despair." Since its launch, the group started by Yeh has carried out projects and workshops in Africa, Asia, the Middle East and the Americas. In this brief article, Yeh describes her journey as an artist and her calling to "bring colors" and beauty to communities plague... posted on May 30 2015, 12,682 reads


It's About Your Stance Not Circumstance
"Jacques Verduin can speak with deep understanding about being worthy of our suffering. In 1997, he founded the Insight Prison Project, an innovative in-prison rehabilitative program in the notorious San Quentin prison, and later in 2011 the Insight-Out Program. There he works with violent offenders, listening to their stories, hearing what lies beneath their crimes. Through mindfulness training a... posted on May 29 2015, 14,947 reads


I Wish My Teacher Had Known...
Elementary teacher Kyle Schwartz recently came up with an activity for her third-grade class in a school where 92 percent of kids qualify for free or reduced lunch. She handed out notecards and asked them to finish this sentence: "I wish my teacher knew..." The results, which went viral, will tear at your heart. ... posted on May 28 2015, 27,180 reads


Everybody Is Good At Something: Meeting VR Ferose
V. R. Ferose was a rising star at SAP in Bangalore when he first found out that his son Vivaan was on the Autism spectrum. He locked himself in his bathroom and cried for a half hour. His friend, on the other hand, congratulated him: "A lot of people struggle to find a purpose, but you're lucky that you purpose has found you." Indeed, Ferose and his wife found their purpose. "My wife...decided to ... posted on May 27 2015, 27,912 reads


The Role of Empathy in Entrepreneurship
"What does empathy look like in action, and how can you incorporate [it] into your business model?" Ashoka, a non-profit organization that looks to entrepreneurial talent and new ideas to solve complex social problems, posed this very radical question. In response, three social enterprises from around the world shared their stories on how they build empathy and compassion. Their methods range fr... posted on May 26 2015, 17,360 reads


Turning To Gift To Cure His Cancer & Society
Faced with the harsh reality of being diagnosed with stomach cancer, Brice Royer took a leap of faith and became voluntarily unemployed and turned his focus towards living in a 'gift economy'. With his belief that the gift economy "is an important way to reduce social stress and isolation...which leads to healing," Royer's story has caught the attention of many. Read more about his remarkable jour... posted on May 25 2015, 22,986 reads


How Science Helps Us Find the Good
How do we find the good in this world when troubles seem so near? Is it by way of gratitude and kindness, and turning away from all thought that impedes? This lovely article explores the many ways in which we can begin to cultivate our longer-term inner evolution by way of our awareness of good.... posted on May 24 2015, 15,024 reads


Street Cuts
Mark Bustos cuts hair in an upscale salon in New York City. But on Sundays, his only day off, he roams the streets looking for anyone in need who would appreciate a haircut. What started as a response to the poverty he saw in the Philippines while on vacation, has become a weekly habit of giving back to the people that need it the most. This video is the first in a series that follows Bustos as he... posted on May 23 2015, 2,966 reads


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Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
Omar Khayyam

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